Restart my Blog
Time fly so fast. I haven't been blogging for years. Too many things happened, life changed but we moved on. In 2015, bibik Tini decided to left us for good. Dengan tekanan kerja dan tanggungjawab jaga my sick abah, i decided to quit my job. I cant be a superwoman. Thanks to Hadri Harris nama yang aku akan ingat sampai bila yang mengubah hidup aku daripada seorng yg sgt komitted dgn kerja sehingga sanggup berhenti kerja and become a housewife. Luckily I was offered as part time trainer with MGTC that help me to sustain financially. 2016, I decided to further my study in Environmental Management in UKM. Such a happy life being a student again. 2017, Abah left us forever. He passed away after 2 days in coma. Abah tenang2 sahaja di sana ye. Lin akan jaga Yaya dan Ariff . My promise. I started working with IGTC. Hell no to this place. I quit after one year. 2018, I quit IGTC and offered to work as part time trainer with MySheqa. Alhamdulillah Allah has given me so much of rahmatNya. 2019, we finally moved to Seremban for good. I found no peace in Bangi, having constant argument with mama and Bahenol were such a pain in a ass. Meon was offered to further his study in Seremban, which made my decision easier. With heavy heart I left mama and Ariff and yaya despite my proise to arwah abah. Hope they will be in Boboy's good hand. 3 months later, Ariff and yaya was caught frauding mama's bank acc. They, they mama and whoever responsible cannot took care of the kids. I cannot stop blaming them for their negligence. Ariff finally move in with us in Seremban after raya. Ariff you were meant to be my son and I promise as long as I life I shall take good care of you. I finally completed my Masters. Alhamdulillah.
The last post was in 2013, how long was it that I haven't been blogging? Nearly 6 years dah weh. I was occupied with other things and FB and IG were the easiest way to update my story. Suddenly I decided to restart blogging when I realise that me not getting any younger and documenting my life story is a good way to share with my love ones on the journey of my life. It will keep reminding me to become a better person. I am approaching 44 in a few days time. With little time left, let me change my life focus now more towards akhirat.